Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Start over

So yesterday, I started actually running again. I took a strength class in the morning and ran after work along new paths. It was awesome to run along the Hudson River all the way from Harlem to the Upper West Side. I've been waiting and waiting for construction to be done and it was well worth it. The feeling of running along the water is incredible and so peaceful.

I do need to get some form of reflective gear now that it's getting darker much earlier. Coming back, I made sure that my iPod was lower and I was more aware. It wasn't too bad, plus there was still enough people running, biking, and roller blading. It's my new favorite path to run and hopefully it will keep me motivated throughout the long winter.

I'm following the Hal Higdon Intermediate training plan with some minor adjustments to the speed work (I'm not great at it and am not sure if I can follow what he has down). With additional strength and core work, I think I can get my time down from last year's 10K. I'm also running the Thanksgiving Day Columbus Turkey Trot (5miler) with my brother. So excited about that!! We've never run together, but I'm sure my competitive streak will be in high gear!

Friday, October 2, 2009


It's amazing to me how fast you lose fitness even after being consistent for months or years. You take a few weeks off or in my case a month and half and it's all gone. I headed back to the gym yesterday and took a 30 min ab class and a spin class. Got.my.ass.kicked.

BUT I also felt awesome. I left sweaty with a giant smile on my face and a slight limp. Can't wait to go back tonight for boxing and another ab class with my favorite instructors.