Monday, March 8, 2010

It does exist!!

The sun that is. It was a beautiful weekend and I made sure to take advantage of being outside. I was getting cabin fever; ready to pull my hair out.

Friday--hit the gym and met the roommates for dinner. It's nice to relax and catch-up since we're so busy during the week.

Saturday was spent at the gym with my regular workout of elliptical, treadmill walk, and strength training. I've also been walking home after work and school (both are about a half hour away.)

And these (above and below) were my views on Sunday. I took a long walk along the Hudson to clear my head, with a 5 min run that my PT had on the schedule. It was okay. Not great and I could definitely tell that my cardio is lacking. I also felt a twinge on my left hamstring, but nothing too dramatic. I made sure to stretch along with the hip strengthening exercises. Feeling good now.

I also made dinner that turned out delicious: haddock, brown rice, and a crisp cucumber and radish salad. Will have to start taking pictures of my cooking adventures as well. A beautiful way to end the weekend. Looking forward to lots more sunshine.

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